American Bone Health is celebrating National Osteoporosis Month with a busy schedule of activities throughout May. This year, American Bone Health calls on all Americans —regardless of age, gender, health status, or race — to learn their risk factors and take action to Build Better Bones.
Throughout May, American Bone Health invites everyone to participate in the Balance Challenge to Build Better Bones. Working on our balance not only helps prevent falls/fractures but also can improve our confidence so we can lead full, active lives. Because balance is something that we can improve, everyone should know their balance baseline. To participate in the Balance Challenge to Build Better Bones, record and time yourself standing on one leg and share the video on TikTok with the hashtag #BuildBetterBones and the caption “Balance Builds Better Bones.” Learn more here.
On May 18, American Bone Health rallies supporters for bone health education on 2022 Giving Day. Along with call for financial donations, American Bone Health will offer fun activities including yoga sessions throughout the day. Learn more here.
American Bone Health encourages health care providers, health advocates, and anyone interested in promoting healthy bones to share the Build Better Bones message on their social media channels, to engage with American Bone Health on social media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok and Twitter), add our events to their community and organization calendars, and to spread the word among their social networks.
“During National Osteoporosis Month, American Bone Health wants to spread the word that healthy bones are important for everyone, regardless of age, gender, health status, or race,” says Cheryl Hostinak, executive director of American Bone Health. “People need to know their risk factors for poor bone health. These might include lifestyle factors – smoking, alcohol, being sedentary – as well as some other medical conditions and certain medicines that many people take. If you are over 45, take the American Bone Health Fracture Risk Calculator™ to assess your risk of breaking a bone in the next 10 years. Talk with your health care provider about making a bone health plan. This is the message we want to share during National Osteoporosis Month, and all year long, to help people Build Better Bones.”
About American Bone Health
American Bone Health is a national, community-based organization that teaches people how to build and keep strong and healthy bones for life with practical and up-to-date information and resources to inspire them to prevent bone loss, osteoporosis and fractures. Learn more at AmericanBoneHealth.org